A thriller full of drama and suspense, Mystery of lights is not your average murder mystery. It’s a story of a strong woman who never lets herself down and is capable of taking care of her own self. Get your copies right away to explore how she manages to protect herself form the deadly man who wants nothing but her life.
“The lion’s growl of the muscle car in the parking lot was absorbed into the noise of the diner when Jacob opened the door. The cacophonous clatter of silverware and the excited chatter of patrons mixed with the sound of The Doors blaring out of the jukebox as RJ stood glumly beside Jacob while they scanned the restaurant. Jacob didn’t know what was wrong with him…”
“A dream within a dream.”
As a reader myself, I always enjoyed looking at magazines and books wherever I went. Let it be dates, at a relative’s or even in the school, I was always hooked to books and the authors that had the guts to publish such master pieces. As a high school kid, I used to cut out the pictures of authors and collect them in a folder, dreaming to be one of them one day. Never did I ever think of publishing my own book but here I am with my first fiction thriller, ‘Under the Floorboards.’ This is the best work of fiction I have put forward to inspire all the young readers and writers. Ger your copies right away and enjoy fiction like never before.
Under the Floorboards is the first book published b Frank A. Escamilla.
However, there are many more to come to stay tuned!
In this first novel from Frank A. Escamilla, he explores the realm of science fiction and fantasy of which he has long been a fan, both as a reader and a viewer. His extensive connection to literary superheroes, aliens, and cosmic events over the years has prepared him for this new venture, and he is delighted to see it finally in print.
Suspendisse luctus auctor porta. Phasellus imperdiet at felis ac accumsan. Nunc tellus magna,
auctor nec enim in, eleifend pharetra lacus. Proin ac nunc dignissim,
Words are magic, they can take us to far away places, a visit to the past and even to nonexistent situations that will excite our imagination One day, as I pretended to take notes in a meeting, I saw a strange movement of my hand across my notepad. Magic was taking place with just a small, unconscious movement of my pen. My pen was spitting out symbols, shapes, and thoughts that brought new meaning, emotion, and wonder to my head. Images began to emerge in my head as I moved my pen across the paper. Incredible! This was a significant issue. This was an incredible occurrence that I had never given any thought to.
I understood that I wasn’t just merely spelling words. I was performing an amazing action. I was using magic. It was enchanted.
I’m a magician and you can be too!
Any question regarding the book or purchasing? Contact us today
An emerging and talented fiction and fantasy writer, Frank A. Escamilla recently published his first thriller-filled book, “Under the Floorboards,” which is now available for sale. Get your copies now and dive into the world of fiction like never before.
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