Redefining Fiction
with Chet B. Adams
For hundreds of years, the Zimbab have conquered worlds to power their death engines. Zimbabkill twenty-seven (Earth) is next. But the evil within them is about to be challenged. One among them is rising to glory; Speem walks among the Zimbab. Humanity is facing its greatest challenge; five people have been awakened to superhuman abilities. But only their faith in their God can save them.
Price: $12.00
“And even after 30 years of counseling others and the publication of this story, I feel I am
miles behind all that Carissa, my daughter, accomplished in just 19 years of life. And as for this
writing, I want to say to Carissa, who has watched over me from heaven all this time, “Hey,
Miss Mae, look what Daddy did!“
CEO Signature:
Chet B.Adams
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Nulla auctor sed augue at convallis. Fusce sed libero vitae odio pulvinar condimentum nec ullamcorper
tellu morbi id libero lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
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